Assessor: Karen L. Neal, CCMA
Tax/Assessment Assistant: Trisha Thomas
Phone: | 860.763.8202 |
Fax: | 860.763.8223 |
Email: | Karen L. Neal, CCMA Patricia Thomas |
Town of Somers 2025 Revaluation (Click here)
Welcome to Somers:
On behalf of the Town of Somers, we would like to welcome you to our community. We would also like to make you aware of some programs available to you. If you feel you may qualify for any of the following programs, please contact the Assessor’s Office at (860) 763-8202.
The Assessor is the governmental official responsible for establishing the value of property for ad valorem tax purposes; for discovering, listing and valuing all taxable and tax-exempt properties; and to ensure that the individual property owner’s value is proper so that the owner pays no more than their fair share of the property tax. In the performance of these duties, assurance is made that no property escapes the assessment process or is under assessed and that no property owner received unauthorized preferential treatment. Revaluations are conducted every five years in conformity with the Connecticut General Statutes and Revaluation Performance Standards. Development and updating information is conducted on an ongoing basis, including modernization of computerized records of real estate, personal property and motor vehicles. Duties are performed in compliance with State of Connecticut mandated General Statutes.
If you wish to change your mailing address for tax bills click to the form.
Veterans: If you are a veteran of any war period so declared in the Connecticut General Statutes, you may be entitled to an exemption. You must provide an original or certified copy of your Honorable Discharge or similar document to the Assessor’s Office to make sure you qualify. Filing Deadline: September 30th.
Additional Veteran’s Exemption: If you receive a veteran’s exemption you or your spouse may be eligible for an additional reduction in taxes for the next assessment year. This program has certain income requirements.
Filing Period: February 1st through October 1st.
Local Tax Relief Program:
Article VI: Local Tax Relief Program
[Adopted 4-26-2004 by the Special Town Meeting, effective 5-4-2004
§ 179-16Requirements for application.
All residents, who have been taxpayers in Somers for one year immediately preceding their receipt of tax benefits under this article and meet the other requirements in this article, may apply for the Somers Local Tax Relief Program on real property owned and occupied as their principal residence. Principal residence shall include the house and the house lot on which it is situated, but shall not include excess acreage as determined by the Assessor. Unit owners of a cooperative, condominium or other common interest ownership unit will also qualify if they meet the other requirements of this program.
All applicants must be 65 years of age, by December 31 of the preceding year, or reside with spouses who are 65 years of age or older by December 31 of the preceding year, or be eligible in accordance with applicable federal regulations to receive permanent total disability benefits under Social Security, or have not been engaged in employment covered by Social Security and accordingly have not qualified for benefits thereunder, but have become qualified for permanent total disability benefits under any federal, state or local government retirement or disability plan, including the Railroad Retirement Act and any government related teacher’s retirement plan, in which requirements with respect to such qualifications for such permanent total disability benefits are comparable to such requirements under Social Security as of December 31 of the year preceding application with the Town of Somers.
All applicants must declare all sources of income, with income received during the prior calendar year as well as all assets as part of the application process. Total income shall include earned and unearned income, including, but not limited to, all income derived from wages, Social Security, bank interest, interest from stocks and bonds, etc., and including imputed income from all non-income-producing assets. Income from non-income-producing assets shall be imputed at an annual rate of 2% of the value of the non-income-producing assets. Notwithstanding the above, no imputed income shall be attributed to the applicant’s principle residence.
You may check the status of your registration at the Department of Motor Vehicles website. Click HERE to enter the Department of Motor Vehicle “Verify Registration” website. Many residents have discovered that their vehicles are not registered with the DMV, when they thought they were registered properly. Some reasons are that an emissions test was not conducted; or the test was done late; or that further document was required and not received.
If a motor vehicle is registered in another state but is most frequently garaged in Somers, then it is taxable as personal property in the Town of Somers. An example of this is a company car that is registered in the state where the company is located but is driven by someone domiciled in Somers. (CGS) 12-71b(g).
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. How is the value of my motor vehicle determined?
A: Standard price guidelines, JD Power (formally NADA) value (clean, average, or used based upon class code)
Q. What if I think my assessment is not accurate?
A: You have the right of appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals. The Board meets to review and adjust tax assessment during the months of March (for all types of properties) and September (for Motor Vehicles appearing on the October 1st Grand List). Applications must be filed for the March session between February 1st & 20th. No appoint is necessary for the September session.
Q. Why do I still get a bill when I no longer own my vehicle?
A: If you owned a vehicle as of October 1st, you are responsible for the following July bill. If you disposed of the vehicle after October 1st, you may receive a credit or refund if you provide proof to the Assessor.
Q. If I no longer reside in the state, why am I getting a bill?
A: If you were on the Grand List as of October 1st, you received a bill. As soon as you register your vehicle in another state, send a copy of the out-of-state registration and returned Connecticut plate receipt to the Assessor; your bill will be prorated.
Motor Vehicle Removal
Registered motor vehicle taxes may be prorated or removed if the following occurred between October and August:
- Sold the vehicle.
- Registered your vehicle out of state.
- Totaled or had your vehicle stolen.
Please provide the following documentation for processing: Two Forms of Proof Are Required
- Plate Receipt from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) indicating that registration has been cancelled.
Plus any one of the following:
- A copy of the Bill of Sale
- A copy of the Transfer of Title (signed).
- A copy of an Out of State Registration (date the vehicle was registered outside the state, including the vehicle identification number)
- A stolen Vehicle Statement from insurance company indicating that the vehicle was stolen and Not Recovered.
- A Totaled Vehicle Statement from the insurance company indicating the vehicle was totaled and you are no longer in possession of the vehicle.
- A Junked Vehicle Statement—a receipt from the junk yard with the date and vehicle identification listed on the form.
- A Trade-in Vehicle Statement—a copy of the purchase agreement identifying the trade-in vehicle, vehicle identification number and date along with a license plate receipt.
Contact the assessor’s office at: 860-763-8202 or 8203 and Fax: 860-763-8223
Please Note: If the registration has been transferred to a replacement vehicle the July tax is due in full. This payment will be credited toward the replacement vehicle and billed the following January.
All information must be DATED and have the VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER on all documentation. Forward the documentation to the assessor’s office, 600 Main Street, Somers, CT 06071 or through email.
Antique Motor Vehicles
The following link is an affidavit for antique, rare or special interest motor vehicles to be assessed for not more than $500. Antique, Rare, Special Interest Motor Vehicle Affidavit
Personal Property
Personal Property in the State of Connecticut is taxable. Personal property is defined as any equipment used in the operation of a business as well as unregistered motor vehicles (CGS 12-71(b) and certain classes of horses (CGS 12-81 (68). According to CGS 12-41, Personal Property declarations are due November 2nd this year. Failure to file said declaration will result in a 25% assessment penalty and an estimated assessment.
Click here for Affidavit of Personal Property Status
Assessor Records Available On-Line
The Assessor’s primary objective is to ensure that all taxable property located within the Town of Somers is assessed in accordance with applicable law so that every property owner shares an appropriate share of the total property tax burden.
Important Forms
Change of address form
Dates of War
The Assessor’s department is aligned with the Finance Department